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1. Subject heading = Soziale Integration Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (1833)
2. Author/editor = 1118735730 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (1)
3. Subject heading = Landgemeinde Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (50)
4. Author/editor = Duru, Asli Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (2)
5. Author/editor = 1176815539 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (1)
6. BV-ID = BV002550976 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (1)
7. Author/editor = 120579936 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (53)
8. BV-ID = BV045239568 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (1)
9. hierarchy = 102394 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (10)
10. Author/editor = 119498200 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (55)
11. BV-ID = BV048836681 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (1)
12. Subject heading = Aufklärung Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (3280)
13. Subject heading = Kommunikationsverhalten Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (237)
14. Author/editor = Salzmann, Manfred Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (4)
15. hierarchy = 2313760 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (13)
16. Subject heading = Soziologische Theorie Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (1782)
17. Author/editor = Abdurazakova, Dono Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (1)
18. BV-ID = BV012782545 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (1)
19. Subject heading = Neoliberalismus Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (605)
20. Subject heading = Museum Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (9225)
21. Author/editor = 12143236X Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (18)
22. BV-ID = BV045498191 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (1)
23. Subject heading = Transnationalisierung Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (294)
24. Subject heading = Türken Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (270)
25. Subject heading = Kleine Eiszeit Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (10)