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# Search request Databases (result) Options
1. BV-ID = BV004157024 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (1)
2. Subject heading = Biografie Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (49222)
3. hierarchy = 46029 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (81)
4. Subject heading = Stepanova, Varvara Fedorovna Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (4)
5. BV-ID = BV000389111 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (1)
6. Subject heading = Steinzeit Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (571)
7. Author/editor = 121614603 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (22)
8. Subject heading = Frauenkunst Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (67)
9. hierarchy = 16790 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (133)
10. Subject heading = Jablonsʹka, Tetjana Nylivna Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (1)
11. BV-ID = BV035688763 Catalogue of the UB/SB Passau (1)